Saturday, 31 January 2009

Beijing in November Day 1

After all the hype of the Olympics in Beijing I never dreamt I would be travelling there.
My son booked a trip as my 60th Birthday present. Talk about excited. It was absolutely superb. Our hotel was so well placed we only had a 15 minute walk to Tian-men Sqaure.
I'm jumping ahead - let's do the journey - Manchester to Munich - not bad for a first leg. Munich airport is much more sophisticated than Manchester so the 5 hours we had between flights was spent eating etc in one of the outside restaurants. We could roam about without having to worry about returning to the airport as we were already there. It was a really good start to a long journey. I am the most boring traveller - spend half my time asleep and only wake for food and drink - that is on long haul flights. It is a long journey but passed quite easily and before we knew it we were landing in Beijing.
This is when it struck us how useless we were with the Chinese language. Trying to tell the cab driver where we needed to go was impossible. Fortunately my son rang his friend, Ji (4.30 am in England) and asked him to speak with the driver in Chinese. Thank goodness he understood and within three-quarters of an hour we were at the hotel. I was practically squeaking with excitement. This is when the sleeping on the flights becomes beneficial because I did not feel in the slightest bit tired. Just a bit scruffy and unwashed and more facial creases than normal.
This turned into a whirl-wind day - booked into hotel - part unpacked and was about to have a shower and change until my son knocked on my door and informed me that we were not in the rooms we had booked. Back to Reception where they verified that the rooms were incorrect. Just as we were about to leave Reception and be shown to new rooms a voice called "Chris" - my son's name. Lo and behold there stood two young Chinese girls. Just to inform you that my son has a Chinese business partner and he had passed on the info that we were travelling to Beijing and when we were arriving. One of the girls, Shen, had been at University in England at the same time as Ji and he had asked her to look after us for a day or two until we had found our way around. Speedily changed rooms, back to reception and out into Beijing with our guides. We went on foot on this occasion and I am so pleased we did. I love to walk around whenever possible. The feel of Beijing was good from the very start, it was Saturday and bustled with people, both tourists and locals. We strolled around trying to take visual note of where we were
in relation to the hotel. This was our first visit to Tian-men Square, so many groups of tourists with guides. Shen and her friend were explaining to us all the time about the history and events of this place. Because it was winter, the sun soon began to dip, it was freezing and all the lights were appearing at every side of us. So pleased that is not my electricity bill. Regardless, the whole effect took my breath away. We were originally going to find somewhere to eat, but quite honestly, by this time, Chris and I were beginning to feel a bit past our best. It was suggested that we book for the Chinese Opera that evening but I think Shen realised we were beginning to flag a little. We arranged that they should come to the hotel around 10am on the Sunday and have another view of the sights. Good idea to take note of the route on the way there as we left them in Tian-men Square and set off on they way back to the hotel. Proud of ourselves as we did not get lost. Ate in the hotel, visited the bar for a couple of drinks, then off to bed. Trouble was, by this time, new time zone, totally wide awake and unable to sleep.

Ouch - that hurt!

So pleased I don't have to speak this.
My top lip and cheeks are completely numb . All this for a 'new smile'. It has to be done and my advice to anyone with dental problems - get it seen to asap. Don't end up like me. Such drastic action and I have been petrified. I'm posting this to reassure those of you out there who are too afraid to visit the dentist. I have always been a nervous (fear of the unknown) patient but have been so lucky to have a dentist who gently processes us cowards. His staff are brilliant too - in fact I nearly squeezed ones hand to a pulp on Thursday. Hope she has recovered by my next visit.
I have another 3/4 visits before my 'new smile will be half complete - the upper half only. Then we start on the bottom ones. Second mortgage comes to mind!
When I was told that my gums would no longer support my teeth I cried and cried. Didn't do any good though. Now I have set my mind to the lengthy procedure and hope that by the Spring I will be able to add a new photo - taken rather closer- up than the one I have posted.
I will keep posting on this subject at each stage and hope it helps another scary-cat make a decision.
Top tip for anyone who has to have an extraction or multiple extractions like myself - salt water rinses. Keep a glass of salt water in the bathroom and use whenever you are in there. Use after brushing rather than the antiseptic mouthwashes on offer. It is a natural remedy and, believe me, it works and helps enormously with the healing process. Not sure if this is why I only used pain killers for 3 days as well as the prescribed antibiotics for 3 days. I have been very pleased with the results as my dentist was when I visited last Friday.
Friday was the day for the impressions, not very pleasant but completely painless. Also the colour of the dentures has been decided and I am really happy with the shade of white. Did not want to end up with an unnaturally dazzling smile. This colour has been matched with my teeth and will be very acceptable.

Sunday, 25 January 2009


As I said I have recently returned from Spain and am really feeling this English winter.
The town of Pinoso is situated at the foot of the Sierra Nevadas and is only an hours drive from many of the main coastal resorts. That's one of the reasons I liked it so much. To have the seclusion and yet not be far from anywhere. This area is so beautiful and restful. I'm finding a huge difference here. Used to have so much free time and now that has been dispelled by the British way of life.
The winters were so different - set out in the morning dressed fully, socks, jeans and sweater and by lunchtime shed these clothes and exchanged for shorts and a t-shirt. Even three hours of bright sunshine in the afternoon gave such a boost. No SAD syndrome there.
I could walk for for miles and thought nothing of setting off to trundle the lanes into town for a bit of shopping. Could have driven but the walking was more pleasurable.
The town of Pinoso is so different to the coastal areas. Extremely Spanish and very friendly. Used to love practising my meagre Spanish language and became quite adept at making myself understood. It was surprising how many local people I spoke with who were desperate to practice their English on me. I used to have a laugh with the people in our garage - we would get our words confused and end up with a good giggle. So many words if said incorrectly could cause a completely different conversation to the one intended.
I really do miss it.
Now here we are in the coldest winter for over 10 years with snow to come during the back end of the week-end. Brrrrrrr!

Monday, 19 January 2009

Printer and Mama Mia and the Bankrupt Banks

Sun is shining, sky is blue but it's Oh so cold. Buttons thinks so too.

Cooked and took some food over to Dad's. Thought I would finish early and then have time to set up the printer and then relax and watch Mama Mia DVD lent to me by a work colleague.

No such luck. Wasted two hours on the printer - loaded fine and appears to be printing - without ink. Checked, double checked and triple checked the cartridges. Wonder if they have been damaged by the damp spoken of earlier. So cross. Gave up in the end.

Loaded Mama Mia - wouldn't play. Tried other DVD's - all played. Tosh!

Watched news - silly girl.
All those poor people in Israel. Why target the innocent? To see those children hurt and confused breaks me up. Will it ever end?

Oh and the banks! Billions more - taxpayers money of course. Do we have a choice? Our children and grandchildren will be paying for many years to come. A Bankrupt Banking System. What happens to the bankrupt man in the street?
Just heard about Ken Clarke - nuff said.

Did I mention my 'New Smile"?

Pinoso thoughts

100 million for a footballer! and I thought football was a game of skill. Hush my mouth - must be senile. Obviously I am not an avid fan though am not averse to watching the odd cup final. I would just rather see that sort of money spent on improving something that would help everyone, particularly the younger end. Create more facilities and open up opportunities for them.

The New Smile is coming slowly but surely starting 29th Jan - hope it is completed successfully and speedily or I won't be going anywhere.

Finally had a call from Spain - so pleased to hear news from that side. My other animals, Cristel, who has recently had her third birthday and is a beautiful Golden Retriever, Coco, my gorgeous little Shit-zu who will be two on 1st April and Ginger the cat (age unknown) are all fine and looking well cared for. I really miss them all so much. The house is still standing and all appears to be in order. Will sleep better tonight for that news. Anyone want a country house in Spain? Gorgeous area with loads of facilities. I do miss the Spanish way of life regardless of the euro. The tranquility, relaxed way of life and weather do not cost anything. This conversation has brought so many memories to the fore. Sitting on my friends solarium in the evening, chatting and drinking Rose wine from the Bodega ( that's gone up). The views are fantastic from there and I will add my favourite photo which shows how weather conditions can vary so much in Spain. Watching the sun set in winter is facinating. We used to guess where it would set on the
horizon - a little further to the right each day. The lengthening of the days could be seen clearly, dependant on the clump of trees or peak it finally rested behind.
Enough - it makes me feel sad.
Photos are of Cristel, Coco and Igor. Still hunting for Ginger. Igor is almost 20 years old and here with me in the UK. Also a view of the pool.

Nothing of note

Not a good start. Slept through alarms. Igor the black cat did not wake me. Oh - forgot - she only does that on Sundays. She could not decide to be in or out today and consequently went back and forth about 50 thousand time in the first half hour.
Traffic abominable - 30 mins for a 10 min journey.
Call from a friend - her computer will not work. What am I supposed to do from here? She has had a nerd in dealing with it - rascal took off her 'recover' program. I would sack him.
Uneventful day, worked, cooked etc. Spoke with landlady, renewal of contract due Feb though have asked her to solve the 'damp problem' upstairs. Says she will bring someone in to look at it. Hope she does because I really like it here and the animals have settled so well. Do not want to move for a long time.
What about the environmental madness re Heathrow Airport? So they want to destroy 700 homes including about 100 listed buildings. What about those with connecting businesses? What about the PEOPLE? Surely there are better places in the North of the country to create a 'hub'.
Why does everything happen south of Birmingham?

Sunday, 18 January 2009

First Impressions?

Well that was a let-down. Had psyched myself up for days but all that transpired is that 5 at the top are coming out on 29th - then First Impressions - then remaining top with 'INSTANT' replacements. Have had so long to 'chew' this over I just want it over with. Have spent hours on the internet viewing 'befores' and 'afters', personal experiences, pain, sores and, God forbid, the inability to eat proper food for a while.
It's all down to Vanity you know. Can stand the pain but shall hide all the mirrors. Will I look worse or better? Will I be able to speak without sounding as though I have a lisp or a mouthful of marbles? Can't do with losing any weight - have only just managed to put 4 lbs back on in nearly 8 months. Will keep posting.

Spanish weather withdrawal symptoms

At least today was a bit more stimulating than 13th. Met a friend for lunch - she lost her partner a year ago. I should stop moaning and think myelf lucky. Just realised my workday has extended since I came back to England. Now that is sad!
I hate this time of year - really need a 'hot' holiday. I neeeeeeed some sun, now. Am having withdrawal symptoms. It will be at least another 5 months before I get to wear only one pair of socks and no vest. Visualise that - eh!
I'm bored. Need something challenging for the old brain (what remains of it). Intelligent conversation and stretching my capabilities would be a start.
Told myself at the beginning of the year that I would not let myself deteriorate - easy to do if spending time on ones own. Am succeeding so far but without commentators it's difficult to know if I'm just kidding myself.
Just heard the discussion on 'Green Shoots' political of course. What a load of old tosh. Listen to Gardeners World and they are using the same phrase. Prefer the gardeners anytime.
Work tomorrow - another audit - there are only three we could possibly have and would you believe that they have all been requested in the last three months. So far, so good.
Time to retreat and attack a few more pages of Rushdi's Midnight Children. Not sure if that will go on my favourites list