Monday, 19 January 2009

Printer and Mama Mia and the Bankrupt Banks

Sun is shining, sky is blue but it's Oh so cold. Buttons thinks so too.

Cooked and took some food over to Dad's. Thought I would finish early and then have time to set up the printer and then relax and watch Mama Mia DVD lent to me by a work colleague.

No such luck. Wasted two hours on the printer - loaded fine and appears to be printing - without ink. Checked, double checked and triple checked the cartridges. Wonder if they have been damaged by the damp spoken of earlier. So cross. Gave up in the end.

Loaded Mama Mia - wouldn't play. Tried other DVD's - all played. Tosh!

Watched news - silly girl.
All those poor people in Israel. Why target the innocent? To see those children hurt and confused breaks me up. Will it ever end?

Oh and the banks! Billions more - taxpayers money of course. Do we have a choice? Our children and grandchildren will be paying for many years to come. A Bankrupt Banking System. What happens to the bankrupt man in the street?
Just heard about Ken Clarke - nuff said.

Did I mention my 'New Smile"?

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